Plain Old RV Fun
Some of you may wonder what do those Littles do when they are just hanging around in the RV. Well I decided to give you a glimpse into LITTLE'S WORLD: Dance Parties
Shows done by none other then the talented Taylor and Cam
Sittin in the morning sun
Refrigerator magnets i.e. spell words for school
Of course the perfect hairstyle is a must!
RV upkeep-yes Taylor does do windows
Friday night, movie night
New years partying
We also love to read(yes books) watch movies(no NOT TV) and TALK oh yes TALK TALK TALK :=)
Because of the amazing places we have visited and we are the LETS GO LITTLES there is very little down time but when we do find ourselves with a little, as you can see, we find things to do to entertain ourselves.