We arrived in Bar Harbor Maine (just east of Bangor on the coast) Sept 19th. We stayed at an incredible campground about 20 feet from the ocean. In my defense our site was a little "tight", as we were pulling in, a very nice man with considerable more experience than I, jumps out of his rig and guides me in... I'm pretty sure I would of hit something. Anyway, Don turns out to be a great guy who has been RV'ing for years with his wife Renee.
Don told me a great story, but it's only great because he, his wife and his dog are OK. While driving down the highway his front tire blew out which dragged the rig towards the guard rail, he says he couldn't steer it. The guard rail broke like paper and over the side of the hill they went. Somehow Don had the sense to turn down the hill, which kept them from rolling over. They hit an embankment at the bottom and stopped unharmed, incredibly. The cops said they've never seen this happen without the vehicle flipping over. They showed me pictures, it was nasty.
Meet Don, he was diagnosed with both bone cancer and has had several heart attacks. He was quit a guy, we won't forget him.
A great site, see video below:
The following day we met a great family visiting from Germany. They had a cute little girl named Yulee (sp). Our kids and her played for hours, it never occurred to them that they didn't speak the same language, they just played… it was awesome. They invited us into their RV and we drank beer and ate lobster.
Portland Maine and surrounding area This place is amazing and probably our favorite so far, we've extended our stay twice because we keep discovering things we want to do. Here is a quick run down.
We rented sea kayaks to fulfill my dream of paddling down the coast with pristine sand shores, light houses, women riding horses on the beach… It was going to be great. Well it was fun but a little different than I'd imagined.
This is Papa Chet, a great guy we met on the beach. He's 82, full of stories and definitely "lovin Life".
A little tip, those "beaches" along the river are not really "beaches". We kayak over to the beach, the kids jump out and quickly get stuck in the mud. Like any good parent would do, I start video taping... enjoy. (4 minutes long).
Downtown Portland at the famous Gritty's Brew Pub.
Freeport, Maine. Our plan was to do a quick visit to the famous LL Bean store, then hit a long mountain hike. To make a long story short, we found out that Partrick Dempsey (McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy) was showing up for a signing, so we stayed to see him. See the video I took below.
While waiting to see McDreamy, we met a great family named the Riggs, with 3 kids... they invited us over for dinner and came back to our RV another night for a camp fire. Very nice to hang out with people in a real house again;-). They were awesome.
This is the summit of the hike we did in near Freeport.